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Pups available for adoption!


Help us out by rescuing your very own Pound Pup. There are 6666 of these adorable pups available for adoption and whilst adoption fees are now set at 0.015 ETH each, thats a small price to pay for a loyal, life long friend. Every pup is unique and has various traits which ensure your forever friend is identifable when you pick them up from the Pound. The Pound is also looking for a home for 3 Super Rare Breed Pedigree Pups, so keep your eye out for them when adopting. Rescue your loyal side kick and join the community of like minded Pup Lovers on Twitter and in the Discord.


All fully adopted Pups will also be eligible to participate in our wildlife rehabilitation program. This program's aim is to rehabilitate wild Wolves and train them to live side by side with Pups and their Human masters. Participation in this program will be free for all Pup holders when a small administration fee is paid (ie 0 ETH to mint + GAS fees)


Do you love the pups? Want to wear one on a shirt or hoodie? Let us know and we will look at doing a limited run of merch items for the pups.


Follow our Twitter and Join the discord to learn how to enter our giveaway of a random Pup to 3 lucky winners. © 2021

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